DBT PLEASE SkillDialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) PLEASE Skill is a technique you can use daily to improve your mood and overall well-being. PLEASE is an acronym to help you remember a set of skills that can make managing your emotions in your day-to-day life easier. 

Physical Illness 

There is a direct connection between your physical health and mental health. If you take care of your physical health, your mental health will improve, and vice versa. Any problem you face will be difficult to manage and feel overwhelming if you do not feel well. Taking medication as prescribed daily, following a doctor’s directives, and visiting doctors for annual check-ups or when experiencing symptoms, are simple ways you can take care of your physical health. If you’re feeling sick, take a sick day to recover as your body needs it.  Continuing to push yourself when you’re sick can be harmful to your mental health.


Balanced eating is important as it gives the body the nourishment and energy it needs to conquer the day, manage stressors, and regulate your emotions. Often mental health can pose barriers to eating three healthy meals daily. People often do not eat or binge eat, neither of which is healthy. Not eating enough makes you depleted and irritable, and eating too much can weigh you down and trigger feelings of guilt. Sometimes, when we don’t feel physically or emotionally well, we lack appetite, or binge eat to soothe ourselves.

It is important to try to eat three balanced meals every day, and only eat until you are satiated. A way to ensure this is by dedicating specific times during the day to eat three balanced meals. Setting alarms to remind you to prepare a meal, or to eat, will help establish this habit. This will help promote good physical and mental health. If you’re busy with work/school or running around from place to place, prepare by bringing snacks, protein bars, or grab a smoothie, to provide your body with the energy and nourishment it needs. Remember, it’s about eating balanced meals, not eating too little or too much.

Avoid Mood/Mind-Altering Drugs

Mood/mind-altering drugs comprise any substance that changes how you feel. These include alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, taking non-prescription medications, and illegal drugs. All these substances alter your brain chemistry and hormones and will make you react differently or inappropriately. As a result, you will have difficulty coping with and regulating your emotions. People often self-medicate in an attempt to regulate their mental health, but it results in a harmful cycle of highs and lows. If you think you are in this self-medication cycle, it may be helpful to speak to a professional to help you abstain from mind/mood-altering drugs.


Get balanced sleep. The recommended number of hours of sleep every night is 8-10. However, this can change based on each individual’s needs. Sometimes mental health problems can result in unbalanced sleeping patterns. This includes either sleeping too much (hypersomnia) or sleeping too little (insomnia). Sleep hygiene techniques for insomnia include but are not limited to, placing yourself on a sleep schedule, not spending time in bed unless it is to go to sleep, avoiding screen time before bed, meditation, deep breathing, guided imagery, or avoiding any stimulating activity. All these measures can improve sleep patterns. You can also see a doctor for medication if you’re struggling with insomnia.

You can improve sleep hygiene if you’re struggling with hypersomnia by placing yourself on a sleep schedule, going to bed at the same time every night, and getting up at the same time every morning. This helps alter your body’s internal clock.  Keep yourself occupied during the day and avoid taking naps during the day or sitting on your bed or couch.

Exercise – Regular exercise can help improve your sleep, your physical and mental health and help you better manage your emotions. When you exercise, your body releases dopamine (the” happy hormone”).  Exercise has been proven to reduce tension and stress in the mind and body. This does not mean going to the gym every day or running daily. It can be as simple as yoga, stretching, going for walks, playing sports, or hiking. Just aim to achieve 20 minutes of physical activity daily to reduce stress levels and improve your overall well-being.

By using DBT PLEASE Skill you can improve your physical and mental health. If you’d like to discuss learning more about this, please contact us for a complimentary 15-minute consultation.